Literotica News
Literotica Series Feature BETA Launch
May 27, 2009

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, but don’t worry – I’m still alive! Not only still alive, but I’ve actually been busy working on Literotica.

I’m happy to announce that part of that work is coming to fruition with the launch of a new feature called Literotica Series. Here it is live on the site:

Literotica Series

Literotica Series Horror Category

Literotica Series Author Submissions

The idea behind the feature is to allow readers to find longer multi-part stories that they are interested in, and to give authors more control over multi-part stories that they’ve written.

This BETA rollout is just the beginning. Eventually, authors will have full control over their Series, and we will roll out more related features like comments and voting on Series, Series contests, etc. This is the first step in a long term vision to give multi-part stories a bigger place on Literotica.

If you have suggestions for the feature, please feel free to leave a comment here or post them on the Series feature announcement post on the Literotica forum.

Thanks for all of the ongoing comments and suggestions and more updates soon! 🙂

Literotica News
More Literotica iPhone Improvements
August 22, 2008
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A few new updates on the Literotica iPhone Site:

1. The member search feature is now live.

2. The categories are now displayed on the New Stories page, as requested by everyone. 🙂

We’ve also got some more improvements coming to the main Literotica site. Everything seems to take way longer than we thought it would (as it has been since Literotica started), but we are making good progress on a lot of new features and design upgrades.

Enjoy your summer and check back soon!

Literotica News
Literotica iPhone Mobile Site Launched
July 14, 2008
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Just a quick summer update to let everyone know that the Literotica iPhone site went live on Friday, the same day as the worldwide launch of the new 3G Apple iPhone. This is the first version of the iPhone site, and it’s pretty much in BETA still, but we think it’s a good start. In the future, we’ll be adding more features and tweaking it to improve the existing features.

If you have an iPhone, the mobile phone site can be found here:

Let me know if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.

Thanks! 🙂

Literotica News
Putting Together The Pieces, Literotica Series
May 22, 2008

Sorry for not updating this blog too often, but we have been working hard behind the scenes on some new Literotica stuff. Better that I’m working than posting, I guess. 🙂

Today’s new feature isn’t a huge one, but we think it’s a good one. We have added a new block to the right side of some stories, above the “Similar Stories” block. The new block is called “Also In This Series“. You can probably guess what it’s for by the name, but I’ll explain it anyways, just to be annoying.

There are many many authors on Literotica who submit stories or novels in parts, as they write them. So, they will submit chapter 1, then two weeks later chapter 2, then two years later chapter 105, etc. One issue with this has been that the Literotica site didn’t tell readers when there were other chapters – either before or after the one they are reading. But all of that has changed, starting today!

Literotica will now scan all stories by each author and try to determine if each story is part of an ongoing series. If the story is part of a series, then the “Also In This Series” block will appear on all stories in that series, showing a link to all other stories in that same series. Here is an example of a story that is part of a long series. If you scroll down and look on the right side of the page, you will see the links to other stories in the same series.

We hope that this small new feature will be very helpful to readers when navigating the site. We also hope that it will help authors to get more readers following their longer ongoing works. We have more ideas to improve and expand the feature in the future. One obvious future improvement is to show “series” works together on each author’s submissions page. More on that, and other planned improvements, later. For now, please let us know if you find any bugs with the feature or if you have suggestions for improving it.

Take care and thanks for reading — and writing! 🙂

Literotica News
Favorites Portal Design Updated
May 7, 2008
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We have launched a new version of the Literotica Favorites Portal.

The new design matches up more closely with the rest of the Literotica site. We’ve also moved the stories to the left side of the page and the authors to the right side of the page and made a few other minor changes.

Some recent projects, like the new Literotica Tags portal and Search, are intended to improve the functions of the page/feature. In this case, with the Favorites Portal, the changes are more about making it look like a part of There are so many different pages and features on the site, each designed at various times over the last 10 years. One of our goals for 2008 is to try to bring everything together to give the site more of a unified look and feel. In theory, the site should be easier to use if all of the pages are similar. We’ll see! 🙂

As always, please let me know your thoughts on the changes and more updates coming soon.

Literotica News
Modified Literotica Background Launched
April 18, 2008
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This news isn’t earth shattering, and I wouldn’t call it a new feature, but it is something that we’ve been working toward for a few years. After many designs and re-designs and re-re-designs, we have finally launched a new version of the Literotica story background. You should be able to see it on the newest stories on right now, and on all stories within the next few days.

Here is an example of a new story with the new background.

In case you don’t notice the difference, look at the blue area to the right of the story. Now compare that background image to the old one, which you can still see on the Literotica Story Index page.

Some Literotica readers have been making requests for a less bright background just about since we launched the site. Others have asked us not to change it because they are used to it. We hope that this new version is a balance between the requests of those two groups of users. The new background definitely is a change, but we think it’s a pretty subtle change.

Also, the fact that the new background design is a bit lighter than the old one seems to go nicely with the addition of the Similar Stories feature, the first Literotica feature that appears to the right of the main story area. Computer monitors have gotten a lot bigger since Literotica first launched, so there is some room over to the right of the story area that could be used by new features (like Similar Stories) in the future.

Please have a look and let us know what you think. Thank you for the continued feedback, as always.

Literotica News
Literotica Story Tags Portal Updated
April 15, 2008

The Literotica Story Tags portal has been updated. The new version of the feature is live on the site now. This version is redesigned and includes the ability to browse stories using multiple tags and a way to easily add and remove tags from your search.

Please take a look and let us know what you think and report any problems you find. As with other updates, we’d also like to hear/read suggestions for the next version.

Thanks and enjoy!

Literotica News
Literotica “Similar Stories” Beta Launch
April 11, 2008

Just a quick update on the latest Literotica features. In the next few days we are getting ready to roll out a few new things in BETA. The first of those just went live on the site: Similar Stories

Take a look at this Literotica story to see what it looks like.

At the bottom right of the story, below the voting element and to the right of the comment element, there is a small section showing stories that are related or similar to this story.

Please take a look at the feature and let me know what you think. We hope that it will be another tool to help readers find what they are looking for within the ever-growing collection of published fiction at Literotica.

More new feature launches coming very soon. Check back! 🙂

News & Media
Literotica Article from Stanford U.
February 24, 2008

Just a quick update to let you know about a cool newspaper article someone sent me a link to. The Stanford Daily is an independent newspaper produced for Stanford University. In the paper a couple of days ago, one of the writers shares her love of Here is a short excerpt of the article by Roxy Sass:

There are many places a girl can have fun, but Roxy’s personal favorite is Oh, Literotica, with your carefully indexed stories in easy-to-understand categories, how Roxy loves you. As best as Roxy can figure, the authors are all amateurs who take time out of their days to help keep her hot and bothered.

You can read the full article at the Stanford Daily website.

Thank you to the person who sent me the link and more updates coming soon.

News & Media
Literotica Video on You Tube
January 22, 2008

I was browsing You Tube the other day and I was surprised to find a video about Literotica! It’s actually from 2007, so it may not be news to some of you, but I thought it was cool. The video is apparently part of a show called the Daily Tang! It features model Veronika Raquel talking about Literotica. Here’s the video, check it out for yourself.

If you have a YouTube account, you can vote on the video to share your love for Literotica. The Daily Tang! website is here. Thanks Veronika! 🙂

Take care everyone!