Hi Everyone! I appreciate all of the suggestions that you have been sending in and posting, both here and on the Lit forum.
This will just be another quick update on the recent changes to the Literotica story page Voting Element and Add To Favorites buttons. So far, everything seems to be working fine. It’s still early, but voting seems to have increased slightly after the changes were launched on the site.
Since the launch, we have made the following additions changes, based on user feedback:
Voting Element:
1. The stars now have numbers on them, to link them more closely to the previous system where each vote was a number between one and five.
2. The text on a few of the votes has been changed. The current text for each vote is:
- 1. I Hated It!
- 2. I Didn’t Like It Much.
- 3. Liked It – Keep On Writing.
- 4. Really Liked It – Good Read!
- 5. Loved It – One Of The Best!!
Add To Favorites Button:
1. With the launch of the easy to use buttons, we’ve seen an increase in the number of registered users adding items to their Favorites List. Because of this, and based on current and previous user feedback, we have increased the number of “Favorites” that each user can have from 10 to 25 – for both Stories and Authors.
1. There has been some concern that the new voting system may result in a slight drop in the overall vote scores because readers may only give a “5” to stories that they think are truly exceptional. I don’t know yet if the voting scores will go down at all based on the new system, but even if the middle did change slightly, it may not be a bad thing if the stories that score close to perfect are ones that readers felt were above and beyond the average.
2. We have had some questions asking about changing the voting system from a 1-5 system to a 1-10 system. That is something that we may consider for the future, but we don’t have immediate plans to do it.
3. Some members have been asking about the Public Comment Element (the system where you leave a public comment on a story) voting versus the new on-page voting element. We are already working on standardizing those two systems and, once the Public Comment Element is updated, readers will be able to leave a comment with or without voting.
I think that’s all I have for now. Just wanted to give everyone an update on what I’ve been working on and what’s concerns I’ve been hearing. Thanks for the ongoing feedback and another update should be coming soon! 🙂
Well, I’m still messing around with this blog to try to get it back up to speed. I turned off ReCaptcha and turned on Akismet anti-spam. It’s catching close to 1000 spam comments a day to start with. I’m not sure why so many spammers have decided to attack this blog. Maybe because it’s been around for so many years?
The potential problem with Akismet is that blogger report that it sometimes tags real comments as spam. If you leave a comment and see a message telling you that your message has been tagged as spam, please contact me and let me know so that I can remove your post from the spam filter. Because this site has adult content, and some of the links that you might post could be to adult content, there is a risk that the spam killer could think you are spamming. We had that problem sometimes with the Literotica newsletter – big ISPs would see it as spam because it had adult content, even though it was a double opt in.
Let me know if you have any problems with the commenting system or anything else on the site and thank you again for reading!