Literotica News
First Lit Blog Post After The WP Upgrade
November 17, 2007
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Ok, WordPress is upgraded to the latest stable version and I’ve added the ReCaptcha plugin for new comments. The spammers were running wild, so had to add the captcha. Sorry about the hassle, but it seems pretty readable. Let me know if you are having any problems posting or reading this blog now that we’re up to date..

News & Media
Peter van Aarle Has Died at 42, Founder of Internet Adult Film Database
September 20, 2005

Very sad news about an internet porn legend, and long time free speech supporter, from RAME:

Peter van Aarle, curator of the Internet Adult Film Database (IAFD) and co-founder of rec.arts.movies erotica (RAME), passed away on Sunday, September 18, 2005, after suffering a heart attack at his home in The Hague, Holland. He was 42. Details of a memorial service are not yet known. Details will be posted at as they become known.

Peter started the IAFD “back in 1981/82 when I started watching porn movies (back then my hometown still had a cinema which showed porn movies, and only porn movies by the way, and that’s where I went).”

The site came on-line in its present incarnation and its present address in 1999, and he explained his goal for the site in an e-mail: “I basically want the IAFD to be the definitive porn movie database on the web. I’ve spent the past 18 years compiling this data, and I want all of the credit :-)”

The credit is all his.

The IAFD will continue, in his memory. Volunteers have begun assembling updates. It will take us a little time to ramp up and try to fill the void left by Peter, but we promise to do our best.

Rest in peace Peter van Aarle.

Literotica News
Story Tags Feature On Literotica
July 23, 2005

Many of you have already seen the new and improved Story Tags feature we have launched (currently in BETA) on Lit. We have always used a keywords system to help readers find stories via search, but this update takes that feature one step further. Literotica is inching closer to having 100,000+ submissions published and the pace of submissions continues to increase with each passing year. That is great news, of course, but it also brings some challenges. When a reader visits the site, how does she or he find what they are looking for?

We have always used story categories, and we will continue to add more of those when we feel that it is justified and/or when we get enough requests (and stories that fit into the requested category). However, the number of categories will always be limited, and many stories fit into multiple categories. What to do?

Search is a great way to find specific stories, but it doesn’t allow browsing and it requires the reader to figure out each search term. There must be something better?

We hope that “something better” will be the Story Tags feature. It allows authors to add tags to their stories, and then readers can click on those tags to find other stories that share those tags. You could look at it as a way to add unlimited, user-generated categories, to the site. Some other story sites use story codes, ASSTR for example, where the author tells you MMM/f, Fdom, preg whatever. But those tags are generally a large set of pre-set acronyms/terms that both authors and readers need to know in advance. That system is interesting and has worked well over the years in usenet, but like categories, it is somewhat limited. We are hoping that the Literotica Story Tags feature will go beyond the old systems because the authors themselves are the ones creating the tags.

We are still in the beta phase of this feature, so I’m sure there will be more changes and tweaking, and the Story Tags Portal has not been re-designed from it’s ugly testing-phase look yet, but in the long run, we think this feature will help readers to find the stories they are interested in. Thanks to everyone who has worked to help make this feature a reality and to those who have sent feedback to help improve it already.

News & Media
Inventor Of Video Rentals Dies
March 9, 2005

Just a quick link to an interesting story from the New York Times:

George Atkinson, who helped popularize home viewing of Hollywood films by opening the first video rental store in 1979, died on Thursday at his home in Northridge, Calif. He was 69.
When Hollywood executives began making feature-length films available on video in the 1970’s, they charged $50 each and envisioned affluent consumers building large libraries, just as they did with records. Mr. Atkinson, a onetime stuntman and occasional actor, saw things differently.
To start his rental business, Mr. Atkinson bought 50 movies that had recently been made available on video, including “The French Connection,” “The Sound of Music” and “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.” He then advertised their availability for rental in a one-inch ad in The Los Angeles Times.
Customers arrived in droves and willingly paid the $10-a-day rental fee. (Only the wealthy could afford the $1,000 that VCR’s cost then.)

Renting videos and DVDs is not something you really tink about someone having to “invent”, but this guy did it. He may be dead, but his legacy will live on in many ways, including internet movie rentals.

Literotica News
Another Literotica Blog Redesign
March 6, 2005

It’s been a few years since I redesigned this site, so I figured it was time again. If you are seeing this post on the new design, that means it might be ready. If you are seeing it on the old design, then check back soon for the new look. Feel free to let me know if you love it, hate it, or don’t care at all.

Hopefully I didn’t break anything during the upgrade. 🙂

Literotica News
Last Day Of 2001
December 31, 2001

Hey everyone. It’s the last night of 2001, Happy New Year. Nothing else to say tonight, sorry.

Take care and, as we used to say as kids, see you next year!

Literotica News
Still Working On The Lit Blog
June 28, 2001

Well, it’s Thursday night and I’m here working on the site. Hopefully your life is a tiny bit more exciting than mine. I still don’t have the links section totally up and functioning yet. The goal is to add interesting external links as I find them – hopefully a couple times a week. For right now I have 10 links to Literotica – very original, I know. The newest links are on the left side of the main page, at least for now. Once this finally gets set up it should be pretty easy to update – I hope. Ok, time for me to get back to work. As always, let me know if you find any broken links or whatever.

Literotica News
The New Version of The Literotica Blog
June 24, 2001

Well, this is me getting ready to launch the new versions of the blog. I’m still not totally happy with the design, but it will probably always be a work in progress. The script that I’m using is pretty kick ass. Most of you will probably want to just skip my rambling and go straight to the site news. I’m mostly just testing this out, in case you haven’t guessed that yet. Let’s see what happens when I post this message. Stand back, everyone!